What is asbestos?

chrysotile asbestos in serpentine rock

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral made up of flexible heat-resistant fibers. There are six types of asbestos all composed of long, thin fibrous crystals that are composed of microscopic fibrils. Those fibrils can be released into the atmosphere by abrasion or disturbance and if inhaled, can lead to severe lung damage, mesothelioma, asbestosis, and other lung cancers.

Can excess humidity cause mold growth in my home?

water droplets on the interior of a house window

Humidity enters our homes in a variety of ways, we take a hot shower, boil water for pasta, snow on our boots, kids leave their wet towels on the floor, and naturally through our windows, doors and basement or lowest levels. Moisture can cause problems within the home including mold growth on a variety of building materials and contents within the home.